Business Impact?
Increase in web leads in 2 years
Qualified leads within CPL goals
Increase in Organic traffic YoY
Page one ranking in 12 months
Think about all the tasks that go into being an attorney. Whether it’s preparing legal documents, representing clients in court or just the constant need to stay current on the law, this profession requires a massive amount of work. Now imagine if you also had to build and manage your firm’s website. This is what Madia Law faced for years before making the decision to partner with SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL for his online marketing.
After graduating from law school, Ashwin joined the U.S. Marine Corps and served as judge advocate. There is no better training ground for a trial lawyer – Ashwin tried over one-hundred felony and misdemeanor cases. With no initial client base, he started building his own website based on tips he gathered online. By optimizing his website for search engines and driving visitors through Google pay-per-click ads, Ashwin started to gain some momentum and get new clients through his website.
Ashwin's hard work was paying off, but with more clients to help and a busier schedule, it became clear just how much time and energy was spent managing his online marketing. Time and energy that would be better spent getting to know his customers and giving them the attention their cases deserved. This realization led Ashwin to come with SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL.
Increase in web leads in 2 years
Qualified leads within CPL goals
Increase in Organic traffic YoY
Page one ranking in 12 months
SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL brought Ashwin a depth of expertise and real-world experience that would have taken his years to gain. By using that knowledge to optimize the Madia Law LLC website and refine his overall marketing approach, Ashwin was able to get in front of exactly the types of legal consumers that would keep his business growing. Ashwin new strategy included:
Mobile-optimized website, pay-per-click advertising, lawyer directory Listing, search engine optimization. After managing all aspects of his firm’s marketing for a few Months, J. ASHWIN MADIA turned things over to the experts at SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL. This move allowed J. ASHWIN to focus exclusively on providing quality legal services that meet the needs of his clients. Madia Law LLC has seen great success from an integrated online marketing program that involves both paid and organic tactics. His plan specifically targets legal consumers seeking representation for Employment Law, Business Litigation cases etc – the main focus of the Madia Law LLC.
Trial Practice , Employment Law, Civil Rights, Business Litigation, FINRA Arbitration and Securities Litigation, Pension Plan and ERISA Litigation
Ashwin was extremely pleased with his new website and online campaign. The days of fretting over constant search engine algorithm changes and fine-tuning advertising campaigns are over. SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL takes care of these adjustments for his and makes sure his website stays visible online. His partnership with SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL has helped his business tremendously and Ashwin is now able to put more time and attention toward every case. Legal consumers need to know their case is important and with his marketing in good hands, Ashwin can better send that message to his own clients.
"Our partnership with SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL has helped us to achieve all of the goals we have set."
“ Thank you for assistance in growing our business with your help on our web site ( . We have received great results from our online marketing and education with your help. This has been a great investment. ”
SEOFIED INTERNATIONAL 2010 - 2025 Celebrating 14+ Years of Digital Marketing Excellence